Kym Peavoy - CEO / Mentor
As a certified Marriage and Family Life Educator, Kym leverages the power of clinical research into the practical lessons taught in the ELEVATE curriculum. With 20 years as a homeschooling mother of 9, she understands the potential of the rising generation.
Bill Peavoy - COO / Mentor
A former Jr. High teacher with over 25 years experience as a Business Coach, Public Speaker and Mentor of Youth, Bill now focuses on passing the torch and seeing the next generation shine in their roles as Mentors and Value Creators, while ensuring that the products and education quality rank world-class.
Liam Peavoy - Mentor
Liam understands the importance of hard work, but also the benefits of working smart. By teaching youth the power of self governance and emotional management, Liam hopes to elevate the thinking of those he mentors to increase their success and influence.
Hope Peavoy - Mentor
The newest addition to the Becoming Mentors family, Hope wants to help youth that seem to struggle with mental health and well being, specifically in social and emotional matters.
Mosiah Peavoy - Teen Mentor
Mosiah is passionate about the success of others. He strives to lead by example, focused on becoming his best self and encouraging his peers to do the same. He hopes to inspire his peers to understand the importance of personal accountability.
Ezra Peavoy - Teen Mentor
Ezra believes in the inherent value of every individual. His goal is to help others recognize their own worth and infinite potential. He hopes to be the change he wants to see in the world through compassion and empathy.