Teen Mastermind Group

A Weekly Live Online Gathering of Teens

Striving to Become Their Best Selves

For Teens who want a clear vision of who they are, what they want and how to go about getting it.

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An Accountability Group for Teens

Every week for 12 weeks a group of amazing teens get together to discuss important principles of personal success, make goals, report their progress and discuss ways to overcome challenges and obstacles.

A Quick Walkthrough of our Online Meeting Place




Teens Teaching Teens

Nothing helps inspire and motivate more than having a support network of peers who you report to and they hold you accountable. Led by Teen Mentors, the Mastermind Group is a live online weekly gathering of peers where you learn core success principles, report your progress, and ask for help when you need it.

What is a Teen Mastermind Group?

A Teen Mastermind Group is a fun and engaging online place where youth, ages 8-18, meet weekly to discuss topics that inspire and motivate them to work toward personal excellence, create & accomplish goals, and ask for support and advice about anything in their life.

Throughout the 12 weeks, your teen will go from feeling indifferent, overwhelmed or even depressed about their future, to feeling empowered, inspired, and equipped, while experiencing breakthroughs in all areas of life including social, emotional, physical, spiritual, mental and financial.

Curated from the teachings of over 100 Success Authors, Speakers and Coaches, our goal was to summarize these lessons to be age appropriate and highly engaging.

The 3 Reasons this class is so successful at motivating teens...

Reason #1 - Teens are Self Motivated.

The parent doesn’t have to be the driving motivating force.Instead, these classes are completely led and taught by teen facilitators, who keep it interesting and fun so your kid is excited to attend. These teen facilitators have completed certification in leading powerful and fun teen mastermind groups, using a proven curriculum.

Reason #2 - Positive Peer Pressure.

Each week they make a personal goal with their friends, knowing that the following week, they will be asked to report how they did and discuss any obstacles they encountered. If they aren't sure what goal to pick, the discussion topic of the week will give them some great ideas.

Reason #3 - Affordability.

For less than the average cost of a half hour piano lesson, your teen gets a full hour with peers making goals and discussing how to become their best self. 12 full weeks of friends and fun while being inspired and productive.

Your teen will gain knowledge and skills that they will use throughout the rest of their lives . They will gain increased confidence, communication skills, and courage to step out of their comfort zone and try new things. They'll be excited about their ability to create real value in the world by helping others in their Mastermind Group.


Hear from a few of our past students and their satisfied parents...

Meet the Team Behind the Teen Mastermind Curriculum

Liam Peavoy - Mentor

Liam understands the importance of hard work, but also the benefits of working smart. By teaching youth the power of self governance and emotional management, Liam hopes to elevate the thinking of those he mentors to increase their success and influence.

Hope Peavoy - Mentor

The newest addition to the Becoming Mentors family, Hope wants to help youth that seem to struggle with mental health and well being, specifically in social and emotional matters.

Mosiah Peavoy - Teen Mentor

Mosiah is passionate about the success of others. He strives to lead by example, focused on becoming his best self and encouraging his peers to do the same. He hopes to inspire his peers to understand the importance of personal accountability.

Ezra Peavoy - Teen Mentor

Ezra believes in the inherent value of every individual. His goal is to help others recognize their own worth and infinite potential. He hopes to be the change he wants to see in the world through compassion and empathy.

Bill Peavoy - Mentor/Advisor

A former Jr. High teacher with over 25 years experience as a Business Coach, Public Speaker and Mentor of Youth, Bill now focuses on passing the torch and seeing his sons shine in their roles as Mentors and Value Creators, while ensuring that the products and education quality rank world-class.

Kym Peavoy - Mentor/Advisor

As a certified Marriage and Family Life Educator, Kym leverages the power of clinical research into the practical lessons taught in the ELEVATE curriculum. As a homeschooling mother of 9, she understands the potential of the rising generation.

How is Our Program Different than Other

Personal Development Programs for Teens?

1) We Have Teen Mentors. It is amazing how powerful it is when the students have peers teaching, supporting, and helping along the way. Peers who have gone through all the lessons and are striving to apply them in their own life.

2) We Meet Together Live - While much of our program is pre-recorded and can be watched and rewatched as often as you like, one of the things our students like most is being able to get together weekly, live online, to report their progress and ask for help when they need it.

3) We Have a Strong Entrepreneurial Focus. The students can clearly see how improving their lives and becoming their best selves has intrinsic value as well as the potential for profitable benefit. The idea that a person might eventually be mentoring others helps motivate them to get the most out of everything they learn.

More Testimonials...

"It's cool how you can do such amazing things when you have the right mindset."

Tiago R

"It is very inspirational, especially hearing it from other youth."

Alysha B


[After speaking at a Conference where we taught these principles]: "Thank you so much for being one of my favorite all-time keynote speakers at the conference on Saturday! We were thrilled to have you and I loved meeting your boys as well."

Tammy W

"This whole process has challenged [my daughter] and expanded her thinking and experience. It has also helped her to bring a little more into focus what direction she wants to take her studies and her goals for the next year. For this I am eternally grateful."

Shawn K

What Day & Time do these Masterminds take place?

To maintain individualized attention and let everyone have a voice, each Mastermind Group is filled to between 10-20 participants. For this reason, specific class times are filling up all the time and new class times are opened up regularly. When you first register, you will be sent a link to a scheduling page where you can select from one of the three class times currently available. It is always possible to switch to a different class if a more convenient time opens up, so keep an eye on the schedule.

What happens if I have to miss a week?

If you have to miss any of the live scheduled classes, not to worry, you can always watch the recorded version of the class, so you won’t miss a thing.

Where does the content come from?

The Mastermind Curriculum has been carefully put together from lessons inspired by popular success classics such as Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, The Slight Edge, The One-Minute Manager, How To Win Friends and Influence People, and many others...

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Mentors™ | 2024